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Name: Md Shaddam Hossain Bagmar

Email Address:

Position: Biostatistician


Md. Shaddam Hossain Bagmar is working as a Biostatistician for the Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network (SPIN) research team led by Dr. Brett Thombs from the Jewish General Hospital and McGill University in Montreal, Canada. He will be involved in several SPIN projects and help the team with statistical analysis. He completed his undergraduate and graduate studies in Applied Statistics at the Institute of Statistical Research and Training (ISRT), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and obtained a second master's in Statistics from the University of Calgary. As a teacher at ISRT, he taught several courses and supervised graduate students in their research. His research interests include causal inference, machine learning, design of experiments, biostatistics, Bayesian analysis, and time series. Besides academic activities, his other interests are spending time with family, playing and travelling.

Awards and Achievements:

- Fonds de Recherche Québec–Santé (FRQS) for the project ‘Statistical learning of optimal treatments for multidrug resistant tuberculosis with causal inference models’ with Professors Andrea Benedetti from McGill and Mireille Schnitzer from University of Montreal. (2022-2025, CAD49,000; declined)

- Nominated for a 2020/2021 Differential Fee Waiver (DFW) by the Faculty of Medicine, McGill University.

- Student Travel Award for attending the Statistical Society Canada (SSC) Annual Meeting held at University of Carleton, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 31-June 4, 2020. [CAD 500]

- PIMS Financial Support for attending `2018 Industrial Problem Solving Workshop’ (IPSW) held at University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, August 19-24, 2018. [CAD 200]

- CANSSI/SAMSI Travel Award for attending the workshop on uncertainty quantification (UQ) held at Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada, July 23-27, 2018. [CAD 850]

- CRM Travel Award for attending the workshop on causal inference held at University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 25-27, 2018. [CAD 500]

- ISI RSC Travel Award for attending the ISI Regional Statistics Conference 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 16-19, 2014. [CAD 1100]

- Dean’s Award 2011 under the Faculty of Science, University of Dhaka for the academic excellence in B.S. Honours Examination.

- Talent Pool Scholarship from University of Dhaka for the academic excellence in B.S. Honours Examination.

- Dhaka Board Scholarship 2006 for the outstanding result in the higher secondary certificate examination.

- Dhaka Board Scholarship 2004 for the outstanding result in the secondary school certificate examination.

- Junior Scholarship 2001 from educational board Dhaka for the outstanding result in the examination.


Research Talks:

- ‘Multiple Imputation in the Estimation of Average Treatment Effect’ a poster presentation at Eighth Annual Canadian Statistics Student Conference (CSSC), Carleton University, Canada, May 2020.

- ‘Causal inference with missingness in confounders’ research talk at the (Bio)statistics Research and Career Day, McGill University, Canada, September, 2019.

- ‘Causal inference with missingness in confounders’ contributed research talk at 47th Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC), University of Calgary, Canada, May 2019.

- ‘Modified version of criteria in selecting optimal designs’, research seminar presentation at Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary, Canada, January 30, 2018.

- ‘A comparative study on different class of optimal design criteria’, a conference talk in the International Statistical Institute Regional Statistics Conference (ISIRSC) 2014, 16-19 November 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

- ‘Robustness properties of optimal designs with standard and compound criteria’ a seminar talk at Institute of Statistical Research and Training (ISRT), University of Dhaka, May 15, 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 

- ‘Comparing Robustness Properties of Optimal Designs for Standard and Compound Criteria’ thesis presentation at Institute of Statistical Research and Training (ISRT), University of Dhaka, April 3, 2013, Dhaka, Bangladesh.​


Publications (Selected):

- MSH Bagmar and H Shen (2022). Causal Inference with Missingness in Confounder. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. DOI: 10.1080/00949655.2022.2089672

- MSH Bagmar and MM Khudri (2020). Application of box-jenkins models for forecasting drought in north-western part of Bangladesh. Environmental Engineering Research, 26(3).

- MSH Bagmar  with Sanjoy Roy and others (2020). Examining the nexus between land surface temperatures and urban growth in Chattogram Metropolitan Area of Bangladesh using Landsat series dataUrban Climate, 32.

- MM Khudri, MSH Bagmar, AM Redwan (2019). Characterisation of Spatio-Temporal Trend in Temperature Extremes for Environmental Decision Making in Bangladesh. International Journal of Global Warming, 19(4):364-381.

- MSH Bagmar (2019) Performance of new proposed criteria in inferential procedures and robustness under missing observations. Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, 40 (1): 115-128.

- A Emran, S Roy, MSH Bagmar, and C Mitra. (2018). Assessing Topographic Controls on Vegetation Characteristics in Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) from Remotely Sensed Data. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 11:198-208.

- MSH Bagmar, and MM Khudri (2015). Tracking Changes and Identifying Determinants of Child Malnutrition Status over the Past Decade in Bangladesh. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 14(12):964-971.

- MSH Bagmar, S Ahmed, and ST Deepty (2014). Comparative Analysis of Revenue and Expenditure of Bangladesh Railway and the Future Trends. Journal of Finance and Banking, University of Dhaka, 12 (1&2):45-61.


Courses Taught:

University of Dhaka:


Institute of Statistical Research and Training (ISRT)

- AST 103: Programming with C (2014)

- AST 131: Statistical Computing I [C and Linear Algebra] (2015, 2016, 2017)

- AST 304: Epidemiology (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017)

- AST 401: Advanced Probability and Stochastic Processes (2015, 2016, 2017)


Department of Psychology:

- PSY 205: Data Analysis and Computers (2016, 2017)

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