Name: Gabrielle Virgili-Gervais
Email Address: gabrielle.virgiligervais @outlook.com
Position: Biostatistician
Gabrielle joined the DEPRESSD team as a biostatistician in September 2022. She holds a master’s in biostatistics from McGill University, a bachelor’s in statistics and a bachelor’s in education from UQAM. Her master’s centred around modelling a socio-economic status index for mixed data using hierarchical modelling under the supervision of prof. Alexandra M. Schmidt. Her research interests involve Bayesian analysis, Spatial analysis and Hierarchical modelling.
-Statistical Society of Canada (SSC) 2021 Conference Case Study Competition Award – Conference Award (750$). SSC and the Canada Energy Regulator (CER); 2021.
-FRQNT Master’s scholarship (17500$); 2021 McGill.
-NSERC Master’s scholarship (17500$); 2020 McGill.
-Fisher-Tukey excellence in Statistics scholarship (2000$); 2019 UQAM.
-Marie-Thérèse women’s excellence in Mathematics and Statistics scholarship (3200$); 2019 UQAM.
-NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award (4625$); 2019 UQAM.
-FRQNT Supplement for the NSERC undergraduate research program (2000$); 2019 UQAM.
-Guy-Marier-Bell excellence in Sciences scholarship (2000$); 2018 UQAM.
-Roger-Turcotte-Groupe Modulo excellence in Sciences scholarship (1000$); 2018 UQAM.
-Jenny-Desrochers excellence in Education scholarship (1500$); 2016 UQAM.
Posters and Presentations:
‘A robust alternative to factor analysis for socio-economic indices’. Pathways to Healthy cities consortium; London, England, April 2022.
‘Estimating socioeconomic status through a hierarchical spatial Bayesian model for mixed dichotomous and continuous variables’. International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) world meeting; Montreal, Canada, June 2022.